Leading and managing employees remotely requires a different skillset from leading an in-office team. Motivate from afar and hold yourself accountable with this guide meant to help you on how to be a good leader for your remote teams.

“Most people can manage a remote team, but a few can actually lead.”

Leading remote teams is everything but easy. You promise to always keep in touch and always talk through, but circumstances get the better of you. And before you know it, the productivity and engagement levels of your remote team noticeably decrease.

So, what’s the big secret of leading remote teams efficiently? What are the mistakes you should avoid at all costs?

How leaders are failing their remote teams

mistakes leaders should avoid at all costs
What are the mistakes you should avoid at all costs?

Entrepreneur magazine reveals 6 ways leaders are failing their remote teams: 

  1. Lack of clear goals, direction, or priorities
  2. Being too rigid
  3. Ineffective communication and collaboration
  4. Nonexistent, inconsistent, or unconstructive feedback
  5. Lack of engagement
  6. Not recognizing and praising good work

Do any of these ring a bell for you?

What leaders can do to support their teams

great leaders connect with their team and their true needs
Great leaders connect with their team and their true needs.

Leaders now more than ever before must remember the importance of their remote teams’ wellbeing.

“Employees who feel appreciated will always do more than what’s expected”

If you want to be a good leader, you must begin by finding out how to understand your employees better and knowing how they truly feel about remote working.

Embrace the discomfort of your virtual environment and elevate your people to higher levels of performance. The key is to keep these long-distance relationships as engaging as possible.

This is why we’ve created both a daily and weekly checklist for you to hold yourself accountable for your team’s well-being, productivity, and motivation levels. Here is your guide on how to be a good leader for your remote teams.

Next, check out how Moodbit can help you manage and lead your remote teams properly.

Also, don’t miss out on the most creative ideas to boost remote employees’ engagement.

Don’t forget to put your people first and redeem your 30-day free trial of Moodbit on Slack!

And lastly, don’t miss out on the download of our weekly and monthly checklist, an indispensable tool for you to become a great leader in your workspace, virtually or physically.

Fill out this brief form and receive your copy NOW!